Jumat, 15 April 2011

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Jumat, 01 April 2011

Reading 7


Mon, March 14 2011 19:05 | 17 Views
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Minister for Women`s Empowerment and Child Protection Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar has asked the Indonesian embassy in Japan to prioritize women and children in its efforts to help Indonesians affected by Friday`s (March 11) earthquake and tsunami disaster.

"We have contacted the Indonesian Embassy in Japan and discussed the fate of women and children affected by the earthquake and tsunami," said Linda Gumelar here Monday.

The minister made the statement after opening a seminar on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security which was also attended by former Finnish Defense Minister Madame Elisabeth Rehn at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Monday.

Linda said her ministry has contacted the Indonesian Embassy in Japan to ensure that Indonesian citizens there remained in good condition, especially women and children.

"I am really concerned about the disaster, and I want to make sure that children and women residing in that country are safe," she said.

The minister had also asked the embassy to conduct trauma relief programs for children and women affected by the disaster.

"Of course, children and women affected by the earthquake and tsunami were traumatized. Therefore, there must be a recovery program for them." she said.

The minister also said her ministry would coordinate with other ministries and affiliated institutions to implement a post-disaster trauma recovery program.

"If necessary we can send a team of `trauma healing` from Indonesia to get there but first we need to coordinate with the related ministries and institutions," he said.

A magnitude-9 earthquake rocked Japan on Friday (March 11) and resulted in more than 900 deaths and 2000 people listed still missing.

Reading 6

FIFA bans Nurdin Halid from running for PSSI chair

Wed, March 9 2011 04:45 | 672 Views
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The world football regulator FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) has banned the present chairman of the All-Indonesia Football Association (PSSI). Nurdin Halid, from running in the election of a new chairman at its congress in late April.

Indonesian ambassador to Switzerland Joko Susilo when contacted by phone from here on Tuesday (March 8) said FIFA`s stand on Nurdin Halid was conveyed to him by FIFA President Joseph "Sepp" Blatter at a meeting earlier in the day in Zurich, Switzerland.

"Sepp Blatter said that FIFA was following its own rules of association and ethics and under these rules, ex-convicts cannot lead a football organization," he said.

Blatter who was informed by Djoko about the leadershio crisis in PSSI strictly forbade Nurdin Halid to run for PSSI chairman or other official positions in the organization.

"FIFA will not recognize the election`s result if Nurdin runs for the 2011-2015 chairmanship, and FIFA only wanted Indonesian football to be better," said Joko.

As a follow up measure, FIFA would also send a team to monitor PSSI`s congress according to the valid association`s code of conduct.

The PSSI congress will be held before April 20, 2011, according to FIFA notification letter sent earlier.

Blatter also said that FIFA will not interfere on the existence of the National Football Recovering Committee, because it is an internal PSSI`s problem.

According to original plan, the PSSI congress was to be held in Bali on March 26 to elect a chairman and deputy chairman, and an executive committee, but because an appeals committee had disqualified all four candidates, the congress had to be postponed and after FIFA was informed of the situation, it had ruled that the congress must take place before April 30.

The four candidates were Nurdin Halid, Nirwan Bakrie, George Toisutta and Arifin Panigoro.

The complicated situation prompted Indonesian football enthusiasts to hold mass rallies to demand that Nurdin Halid no longer be the PSSI chairman.

Indonesian football enthusiasts also said that Nurdin Halid had violated FIFA rules of association because he was an ex-convict.

Reading 5

Japan Tsunami`s tail damages Holtekam power plant project

Mon, March 14 2011 17:30 | 120 Views
Jayapura (ANTARA News) - The tail of the tsunami that hit Japan last Friday has damaged non-essential parts of the Holtekam thermal power plant project in Papua, a spokesman of the Papua branch of state electricity company PLN said here Monday.

The head of PLN Papua`s public relations, Rilwahnu Ahkam, told newsmen here on Monday waves from the tsunami in Japan had hit the outer wall of the project, a contractor`s office and a guard room. "The wall however was not severely damaged," he said.

Ahkam also said the damage suffered had yet to be calculated, whereas the locations were being cleaned up. But it was believed the loss was not substantial.

However, the unexpected damage caused by the tsunami would make it necessary to review the schedule of the power plant project`s commissioning which had been set at December 2011.

Ahkam said PLN Papua was still conducting checks on the entire project to find out if there was any more damage to vital parts of the project.

Meanwhile, Jayapura city`s Disaster Mitigation Agency reported that the tsunami had also hit and destroyed 43 houses and left one resident dead.

"The the destroyed houses are located among others at Tobati village (14 houses), Enggros village (nine houses), Holtekam village (19 houses) and Hanurata (13 houses)," said the secretary of the Mitigation Agency, Yohanis Wemben.

The tsunami, spawned by a magnitude-8.9 earthquake in Japan on Friday afternoon, reached the northern coastal areas of Papua some 10 hours later.(*)

Reading 4

Gayus may have caused state losses of Rp 1.5t: Investigator

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 02/24/2011 8:49 PM | National
Gayus H. Tambunan’s mismanagement of the taxes of 19 companies may have caused the state to suffer losses amounting to Rp 1.52 trillion (US$171.8 million), a former leader of the Gayus investigation team said Thursday.
Insp. Gen. Matheus Salempang mentioned the sum during a meeting with the working committee for tax matters at the House of Representatives’ law commission.
Gayus mentioned a similar amount when the independent investigation team asked him to note potential state losses during their investigation.
“We have to prove [Gayus’ claim],” Matheus said, as quoted by tempointeraktif.com.
The team has already investigated four of the 19 companies.
It also revealed five tax evasion methods that Gayus often practiced.
One was persuading tax officials to ask for a company to pay a lower amount than what was stated in the law.
The second and third methods involved the processing of tax objections at the tax objection and appeal directorate of the tax office and at the tax court.
The fourth technique involved tax officers consulting beyond their authority, and the fifth involved tax officials withholding tax notification letters. “The letters would only be issued after [coming to] certain deals,” Matheus said.

Reading 3

Major tsunami damage in N. Japan after 8.9 quake

Associated Press, Tokyo | Fri, 03/11/2011 2:13 PM | Headlines
Japan was struck by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that washed away cars and tore away buildings along the coast near the epicenter. There were reports of injuries in Tokyo.
In various locations along Japan's coast, TV footage showed massive damage from the tsunami, with dozens of cars, boats and even buildings being carried along by waters. A large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture, according to footage on public broadcaster NHK.

Officials were trying to assess damage, injuries and deaths from the quake but had no immediate details.

The quake that struck at 2:46 p.m. was followed by a series of powerful aftershocks, including a 7.4-magnitude one about 30 minutes later. The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the strength of the first quake to a magnitude 8.9, while Japan's meteorological agency measured it at 7.9.

The meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire Pacific coast of Japan. NHK was warning those near the coast to get to safer ground.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said a tsunami warning was in effect for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and the U.S. state of Hawaii.
The quake struck at a depth of six miles (10 kilometers), about 80 miles (125 kilometers) off the eastern coast, the agency said. The area is 240 miles (380 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo.

In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into the street for safety. TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo.
In central Tokyo, trains were stopped and passengers walked along the tracks to platforms.

The ceiling in Kudan Kaikan, a large hall in Tokyo, collapsed, injuring an unknown number of people, NHK said.

Footage on NHK from their Sendai office showed employees stumbling around and books and papers crashing from desks. It also showed a glass shelter at a bus stop in Tokyo completely smashed by the quake and a weeping woman nearby being comforted by another woman.

Several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.
Thirty minutes after the quake, tall buildings were still swaying in Tokyo and mobile phone networks were not working. Japan's Coast Guard has set up task force and officials are standing by for emergency contingencies, Coast Guard official Yosuke Oi said.
"I'm afraid we'll soon find out about damages, since the quake was so strong," he said

Reading 2

Yudhoyono says he's a leader with integrity

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 03/14/2011 6:53 PM | National
In the wake of his unfavorable depiction in Australian news, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono says he is a national leader with integrity and can take responsibility for his actions.
“Believe me, I take responsibility for what I do. I, God willing, will maintain integrity because that is my duty as the leader of this country” he said during a Cabinet meeting on inflation control, food subsistence and energy needs in Bogor on Monday as quoted by kompas.com.
The stories in the two dailies: The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald, suggested that Yudhoyono abused his presidential power. The publications based their stories on US diplomatic cables, claimed to be exclusive submissions from whistleblower website WikiLeaks.
Yudhoyono said that he would exercise his right to gain justice.
“Yes, of course we will find out who is the truly democratic one, and who is not – who is the one giving reports, making accusations and passing judgment in the mass media, in diplomacy, which is damaging greatly one's reputation,” he said. “This might be labeled as character assassination.”
Yudhoyono expressed his gratitude toward ministers and staff members who defended him.
“I think this is enough already. We don't have to remain a part of this uproar because there are more important things for us to do. I do not want to become too reactive and emotional,” he said.