Jumat, 01 April 2011

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Japan Tsunami`s tail damages Holtekam power plant project

Mon, March 14 2011 17:30 | 120 Views
Jayapura (ANTARA News) - The tail of the tsunami that hit Japan last Friday has damaged non-essential parts of the Holtekam thermal power plant project in Papua, a spokesman of the Papua branch of state electricity company PLN said here Monday.

The head of PLN Papua`s public relations, Rilwahnu Ahkam, told newsmen here on Monday waves from the tsunami in Japan had hit the outer wall of the project, a contractor`s office and a guard room. "The wall however was not severely damaged," he said.

Ahkam also said the damage suffered had yet to be calculated, whereas the locations were being cleaned up. But it was believed the loss was not substantial.

However, the unexpected damage caused by the tsunami would make it necessary to review the schedule of the power plant project`s commissioning which had been set at December 2011.

Ahkam said PLN Papua was still conducting checks on the entire project to find out if there was any more damage to vital parts of the project.

Meanwhile, Jayapura city`s Disaster Mitigation Agency reported that the tsunami had also hit and destroyed 43 houses and left one resident dead.

"The the destroyed houses are located among others at Tobati village (14 houses), Enggros village (nine houses), Holtekam village (19 houses) and Hanurata (13 houses)," said the secretary of the Mitigation Agency, Yohanis Wemben.

The tsunami, spawned by a magnitude-8.9 earthquake in Japan on Friday afternoon, reached the northern coastal areas of Papua some 10 hours later.(*)

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